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D103 Litter Susie's Sponsorship Page
Susie is a beautiful Aussie mix. She is a 1 year old and is 40lbs. Susie is fearful when meeting new people and takes time to be comfortable. She does jump up on people when she is happy to see them. She loves to play with toys and other dogs. She does
love to chew Nyla bones and antlers. She will bark
when someone comes to the door and she sees
things in the yard. She is housebroken and knows some basic commands. Susie will chase cats when they run and may try and play rough with them.She is an active dog but calms down in the house..Susie would love a fenced in yard to play in. She will bark at things she sees went outside in the yard. She would not do good in an apartment.Susie would be a great family dog.
HDDCR requires a spay/neuter contract by the adopter if puppies and kittens in our care are too young for sterilization. This is a form the adopter signs at the time of adoption, confirming that they will get the pet spayed/neutered by a certain date. We will hold a $50 deposit on top of the adoption fee until we receive proof from a veterinarian that the dog was spayed/neutered. The $50 deposit will then be returned to the adopter.
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